My blog

Forever wondering, so why not share my thoughts with the world? I believe everything happens for a reason even though we may not know what it is. I believe it's fate. It's kismat. xox

Thursday 10 January 2013

Those Things Called 'Humans'.

I'm going to try avoid going off on a rant in this post. But let's face it, we all have our days where we just hate people. We have enough of everyone, everything and just wish we could be alone. Me time.

They annoy us, they hurt us, they hate us, they criticise us, they're jealous of us or they judge us and this makes us in return, lose faith in mankind.

Around 7 billion people in the world and all it takes is one to change your opinion on them.

At secondary school, I was in a class of - at the time - what were immature girls. Being hardly any other coloured people in my form, I encountered racist remarks, b*tchyness and a whole load of other things. This would get to me really bad. I hated school at the start. I didn't understand why they were like that. In the end, I managed to stop caring and that's when it all got better.

Ironically however, it's mainly the ones close to us that transform our opinions on people. That's not how it's supposed to be right? They're meant to love us and see us happy.

No it's not supposed to be like that. Our nearest and dearest are the main ones that effect us, all because we care, we care the most about them.

Personally, I find that I care too much about everything and anything. Being a sensitive individual, all it takes is one little remark, one action and I'm deeply wounded. And the worst part is, I'm the only one caring. How can people be so hard-hearted? I think about this a lot, because I'd feel completely awful if I hurt someone, I like to see them happy. Although sometimes I wish I was like that. Cold. Heartless. Ignorant. It would mean I wouldn't get hurt. Selfish yes, yet it's better than being wounded.

People, be it jealousy or hatred or whatever reason, want to see you down. They like to see you fall and take pleasure in the pain it gives you. It gives them a sense of pride, they've accomplished something - they've got to you.

And that's the biggest mistake you can make.

Recently, I was feeling utterly worthless and crap, (urgh the things those humans can do to you) and my big brother gave me some good advice. He told me that people will always make you sad, bring you down and reminded me that I shouldn't feel like that because those who care know I'm a lovely person at heart and fun to be around. He told me to not let it get to me, to 'stand tall and show two fingers to the world.'

That's what we should do. Stop thinking about others and just live your life. Show them you're happy. The moment you start caring is the moment it will get to you.

It is a whole lot worse when it is those close to you though.

Don't you sometimes wish that there was no one else. That you could escape to a far away place, free yourself from these creatures and start afresh? I do.

Admittedly, to stop caring is something I really struggle with. I'm hoping I'll eventually get there. I want to be the girl with the 'I dont give a crap' attitude. Ha. Anyway, we've all got to try right?

I guess the kindness of humanity is all one needs to prosper.

Shame there are a few imbeciles who spoil it for us. *Sigh*

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