My blog

Forever wondering, so why not share my thoughts with the world? I believe everything happens for a reason even though we may not know what it is. I believe it's fate. It's kismat. xox

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Shisha is Shit.

So, here I am, putting off revision in order to express my passionate opinion against the contagiously ‘cool’ new trend: shisha.

For the naïve audience, who are still unacquainted of this harmful fashion, shisha or hookah smoking is a mere stupid excuse given by the dim-witted for ‘having fun,’ but really, it is a less hazardous form of smoking a cigarette.

Now, I label the fashionistas as ‘dim-witted’ because, that’s what they are. Most smokers are foolishly unaware of the history and precarious consequences behind this obsession, whereas others are blinded by ignorance in their pursuit of a great social life, allowing them to believe that it is acceptable to be a member of this dodgy, fuming cult. 

Where did it all begin? The origins of hookah come from the North Western provinces of India nearly a millennia back. These hookahs were simple in design, made to smoke opium and hashish. The hookah made its way through the Persian Kingdom, to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Middle Asia and Arab parts of Northern Africa. It acquired ‘tombeik’ on its way through Persia. Tombeik is a dark tobacco grown in modern day Iran – mixed with hot coal, it forms the basis of shisha smoking.

The most common misconception people make is that it is not or less detrimental to the health. Now, I could drone on about how it is equivalent to smoking 300 fags, blah blah and how destructive it is, whilst addicts can argue otherwise. The bottom line is: any drug in excess quantities is a major health hazard! This contemporary means of socialisation is utterly ridiculous and I really don’t understand it at all.

I know of many teens that would never touch a cigarette, but would gladly sit in front of the telly or with a group of friends for hours on end having shisha, what is that about?! In a sense, it’s like drinking. You wouldn’t really sit and drink the whole day; it’d destroy your liver, small amounts – fine, but anything more and you’re just asking for an early death.

This increasingly prevalent growing trend has spread not just amongst teens, yet adults as well, who only seem to encourage the youngsters – if anything. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw a bunch of ten year olds with shisha pipes thinking they’re participating in something remarkable. There should be limits.

I really find the current attitude towards this craze with adolescents appalling. Showing off with photos on Facebook with shisha smoke all up in your face is not cool, it’s just a tad sad. Seriously, there are many many other ways to entertain ourselves and if this is the only thing that teenagers can think of, I would be very concerned. 

All in all, this is one fashion I certainly will not be following.

1 comment:

  1. Wise words and absolutely right. I tried it 2 or 3 times a few years ago and haven't bothered since. Fortunately I don't crave it but I have noticed this trend amongst
    the kids (I'm old!). I've also noticed a scary difference in some individuals I know whose voices have dramatically changed from excessive shisha and cigarette smoking and it's very sad. I dread to think what their lungs look like and no amount of gym visits will make a difference. As someone who had a chronic illness through no fault of my own (by the grace of Allah I've recovered), I value health and life so much more and will do everything I can to avoid harming myself. Besides good food wins hands down over smoking crap.
